Friday, April 17, 2009

Jason Damato

Hello everybody I'd like to introduce you to a new artist i've discovered few times ago.His name is Jason Damato,he released an EP on Itunes and Amazon called "Floating down a river ".
For the past week i've been listening to his songs all day long I even keep hearing it in my head when i'm walking, cooking , eating even sleeping.When this Californian Native starts to sing you can only close your eyes and listen to his voice imagining you're on the beach watching the sunset with a campfire.His beach folk soul is uplifting and the lyrics are just beautiful.His Life philosophy and his voice makes him a great artist who just wants you to " Live the Life you Love".From "Floating down a river " to "Capsized" or my favorite one "Just not home", you'll get involved in his universe and you'll never want to be out of it.Based on his personal story, he wrote a song called " One Warm Coat" to help an association called also "One warm Coat" to help the homeless and all proceeds goes to the association.
But he's more than a great artist he's also a very very nice person that always take time for his fans via MySpace, Facebook or Twitter.And i'm pretty sure the number of his fans will keep on getting bigger and bigger..

Go get your EP on Itunes , Amazon or rhapsody cause one thing is sure you gotta have it ( i got mine :) ) !!! Trust me it's even better on acoustic session.
check his myspace page
Follow him on Twitter @jasondamato

for acoustic videos

Please watch videos of "Just not Home", "Hold on to me " and "Floating down a river" If you're not convinced after that well then something must be wrong with you ;)

1 comment:

  1. His songs are incredible! He's an amazing artist and I'm sure people are gonna talk about him soon!


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